Legal Notice

zoodiak Musikverlag GmbH

Steinsdorfstraße 10
80538 München, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)89 189 468-00
Fax: +49 (0)89 189 468-22


Manager: Annette Lanzinger
Registry court: Munich
Register number: HRB 161315 (German Trade Register Branch B)
Tax number 143/131/30216
Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE189578056 (in keeping with § 27 a German Value Added Tax Act)

Regulatory authority for experts: IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) for Munich and Upper Bavaria in Munich

©2016 zoodiak Musikverlag GmbH
All rights reserved.

Texts, figures, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on the present website are subject to copyright laws and other protection acts. The contents of this web site must not be copied, distributed, changed nor made available to third parties for commercial purposes.

Our web site may contain links to web sites of other providers. zoodiak Musikverlag GmbH is not liable for the contents of web sites beyond the own web site or of web sites referring to the present web site.

The respective providers alone are responsible for the contents of the linked web sites; they serve the sole purpose of providing information and we do not make the contents our own. We don't have any influence on the design nor on the contents of web sites we linked.

If you wish to visit such web sites, please observe the notes applicable to the respective web sites. We are neither responsible for the data protection standards nor for the practices of other providers.